About Our School

Ballyclare Primary School is a warm and welcoming place of learning, nestled on the edge of our busy town.

Our school is made up of…
550 pupils
29 teaching staff
33 support staff
2 goldfish

… and a lot of learning, fun and happy pupils

Ballyclare Primary School

But a school is not just about the numbers, location or facts and figures. It’s about the values, the ethos and the commitment to guiding each and every pupil to reach their own fullest potential.

Every child deserves to learn in a warm and happy environment. This is the environment we strive to create each day.

Our environment and ethos are built on strong Christian principles which underpin our values and aims.

As a school our motto is:

‘Working together, towards excellence, for all.’

What does that look like in the school environment?

Let’s find out.

Working Together


In Ballyclare Primary School we have created a culture of co-operation between all. That includes pupils, teachers and families.

We work alongside our pupils to guide their learning and meet their pastoral needs. We build strong relationships that are child-focused and underpinned by trust, mutual respect and a strong Christian ethos.


As a school community we believe that professional collaboration is key. We have many teams that work in tandem to ensure pupils’ learning is progressing. This includes our Senior Leadership, Pastoral, Learning Support and Assessment Teams. By sharing knowledge and ideas we get to know our pupils better and can meet the specific needs of all learners.

Effective Communication

As a school effective communication is vital. We use a range of methods to ensure lines of communication are always open, transparent and timely. Senior members of staff are available every morning and afternoon at the school gates as points of contact. We use the Seesaw app extensively throughout our school to send messages and share what’s going on inside the classroom. We also report to parents during our parent interviews throughout the school year.

Through co-operation, collaboration, and effective communication we create a learning environment for all. This approach brings people together. It develops a bond between colleagues, families and outside agencies – which benefits everyone.

Towards Excellence

In Ballyclare Primary School we strive for excellence in all we do. To us excellence means that pupils are cared for, motivated to learn and celebrated in their success.

Our Staff

• We have an excellent team of teachers and support staff in school who are highly motivated and are committed to support our pupils.

• Our staff are motivated to expand their own knowledge and learn new innovative teaching techniques.

• Our team is bursting with talented individuals and staff members who are eager to freely share their expertise with others.

• Throughout the year we have an extensive programme of staff training in place. This ensures that we are knowledgeable, prepared and enthused in our teaching.

“To us excellence means that pupils are cared for, motivated to learn and celebrated in their success.

All staff perform at a very high level and they benefit from the support and encouragement of our parents and governors.

We are committed to supporting pupils’ fundamental skills in Numeracy, Literacy and Using ICT. Teachers work together within and across year groups to ensure pupils continue to make progress in their learning.

We use up-to-date and creative resources to motivate pupils. This includes online programmes such as Accelerated Reader, IXL and Times Tables Rockstars. These innovative resources are complemented by proven traditional methods to enhance learning.

We have an enviable reputation for being a high-performing school… yet still maintaining a warm and welcoming environment for all.

Excellence outside the classroom is very important to us too. We are so proud of our pupils’ success in sport, music, drama and science. We have a full programme of after-school activities, which allow pupils to pursue their interests, develop their skills, and socialise with their peers. Our pupils and staff have achieved outstanding things together. We are proud of the many awards gained in these enriching after-school activities.

For All

There are over 550 pupils in our school and it is important to us that every single one of them feels like they belong inside the Ballyclare Primary School family. In accordance with our ethos, we recognise each pupil as an individual and are committed to meeting the needs and interests of all.

“There are over 550 pupils in our school and it is important to us that every single one of them feels like they belong inside the Ballyclare Primary School family.”

In order to meet the needs of our pupils we are committed to getting to know them. We take time to listen to pupils and adapt our teaching methods to suit their interests.

We also use data extensively to ensure pupils are progressing in their learning. Our Assessment Team work with staff to track pupils’ achievements and highlight areas in which they may need support.

When any pupil is facing a challenge or finding things difficult we ensure we intervene quickly and put a programme in place to get them back on track.

“No matter the interests or ability of the child, we work together to ensure they experience success and achieve excellence at their own level.”

Our Learning Support Teachers are experts in supporting children with additional needs. This includes those who have been diagnosed as having a Medical or Special Educational Need. These teachers liaise closely with class teachers, parents and external organisations to ensure we have all available support in place. This includes developing support strategies in the classroom and, at times, taking the children out for individual or small group support to focus on specific areas of difficulty.

We are also quick to react to pupils who are performing at a level that is beyond that of their peers. Our Learning Support Team work with teachers to create specific programmes of work for these pupils to ensure they are motivated in their learning through challenge and suitably levelled classwork.

In Ballyclare Primary School we thrive upon and enjoy a culture of excellence. As a school community, we are ‘all in’, as we build capacity for growth each day. As pupils, staff and parents we share the common language of being the best we can be in a creative and innovative way.

We develop the necessary skills for excellence to be achieved by all. Pupils take great delight in celebrating the many successes we see inside and outside the classroom every day.

Ballyclare Primary School Logo

Ballyclare Primary School


Doagh Road
County Antrim
BT39 9BG

Tel: 028 9332 2389


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