Performance Poetry Day 2024

March 22, 2024

This week, each of our 21 classes had their turn to take to the stage. All the words had been so well rehearsed, every action synchronised and solo voice prepared. Props, costumes, movement and dramatic roles were employed to bringing each poem to life!

It was sucha joy to see each child in our entire school family have their moment to take to the stage.

Our Primary 7 pupils, as always, relished the opportunity to host the event by welcoming each class to the stage. They also digitally recorded each performance and wrote reviews to critique each poem.

Well done to everyone and thank you to Mrs McIntosh, our Literacy Coordinator, for organising such a fun event and instilling her love of poetry in our pupils.

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Ballyclare Primary School


Doagh Road
County Antrim
BT39 9BG

Tel: 028 9332 2389


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